Discover the vibrant stories behind three of my latest murals: Huaynakuri in Píllaro, Reivindicated Justice in Valle de Los Chillos, and the Latin Dutch Mural at Fritten Chop. Each piece is crafted to reflect cultural narratives, connecting tradition with modern themes and designed to grow in impact and meaning over time. Join us in supporting these ever-evolving artworks and invest in a vision that brings communities together through art that grows with you.
beyond art
Jorge Calderon, known as Starmanfunk™, has 18 years of experience in Arts, Design, and Branding. As a digital media expert, he has collaborated with Hollywood veterans and CG studios to produce commercial video and photography. Utilizing animation software and augmented reality, Jorge creates bidimensional artworks and visual systems to elevate art perception. A passionate artist, he is dedicated to visual quality, design, and technology, believing in the power of art to enhance modern life.
My palette is inspired by the vibrant colors found at the Equator, a cosmovision rooted in Andean textile traditions. As a futurist artist and science lover, I discovered the Andean women's millennial knowledge of "Photothermocoloymetry," using colors for healing, warmth, and understanding creation. This ancient color engineering has become my natural expression vehicle and semiotic heritage, shaping my unique approach to design and art.
16歲那年,他加入厄瓜多爾文化廳“本傑明·卡爾里翁(Casa de la Cultura Ecuatoriana)”的美術學校後,開始接受氣溶膠繪畫。
他鮮明地運用鮮豔的色彩,複雜的圖案,不可能的建築和狂喜的面孔,創造了自己的獨特風格,受到國際品牌和藝術機構的認可。在世界各地致力於街頭藝術的幾個地點代表他的國家。他的作品展示了才華和對日常生活細節的高度關注。受歐洲街頭藝術,亞洲建築和印象派的影響,每件作品都具有深刻的意義,可以通過即刻和長期的思考來發現。目前擔任中美大型設計公司的藝術總監,首席設計師和藝術顧問。 “我的創作的主要目的是傳遞歡樂,對觀察者產生積極的振動效果。”
薩拉·魯巴約(Sara Rubayo)的傳記
藝術史學家,“ La gata Verde”馬德里。
Your donation will empower me to create more art around the world, making a tangible difference in communities everywhere. Your support truly makes a difference!